Thursday, July 24, 2008

Couldn't Have said it better myself.

I just read a really good commentary on electric vehicles.

You can read it in it here

The great part is...

I believe EVs will become the primary personal transport not because of any political beliefs I have but because of what I call the LCD (Least Common Denominator) factor. The gist of it is that all forms of energy can be converted into electricity, but not all forms of energy are interchangable. I certainly can't fill up a diesel engine with hydrogen and if the world runs out of both Oil and Corn, well, my flex fuel vehicle isn't going to go very far. On the flip side, there will always be wind, running water, temperature differences, fusable atoms, the sun (so long as I'm alive, at least), and many other sources for generating electricity. It appears to be the least common denominator.
This... Is what I'm saying.


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